Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

We have had a busy weekend... Saturday was Valentines day and we spent a quiet evening at home due to the nasty rainy weather that graced us and the fact that Daniel was feeling under the weather. So we just stayed home and enjoyed time together and even though Daniel wasn't feeling well he still managed to surprise me with a yummy home cooked Whole Foods dinner and bought me beautiful Whole Foods flowers... We love that place if only it was closer!!! Then on Sunday after church we headed off for a Disney getaway... We were anxious to get there because Amanda and Chester were already there with little William for his first Disney trip. We enjoyed meeting up with them and spending some quality time together although lil man might not remember the trip he was still so cute taking in everything!! The Spellmans had to head out that evening but we stayed over night. We took Monday casually and enjoyed our day off and our time together... Then this morning it was off to the doctor I was sad yesterday because I knew that Daniel wasn't going to be able to go to this appointment with me. But this morning he woke up still not feeling well so he didn't go into work which meant he could go to the appointment with me and then come home and rest... This appointment was short and sweet they took my blood pressure, weight and listened to the baby's heart and then the dr. went over my blood work results. She said things were looking good, my pressure is good, my weight is good, and all of my blood work came back normal and looked good, and the baby's heart sounded good... So today's report all across the board was GOOD! So our next appointment is scheduled for Wednesday March 18th and this appointment as long as wiggle worm is cooperative we will have the ultra sound to find out the sex and also they will look at the baby's heart, lungs, brain etc to track the development and then I will have a routine check-up... AAAHH another month of waiting!! We have waited for 4 months already so I know we can do it but I sure was hoping it wouldn't be that much longer of a wait.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wiggle Worm

Yesterday morning was our 1st ultra sound with the new doctor... MY MY HOW THE BABY HAS GROWN!!! We couldn't believe our eyes when that little one popped on the screen. We were able to bring a dvd with us this time so not only did we get a couple of pictures the actual ultra sound was recorded... It's was pretty amazing to see the baby fully formed into a baby and moving all over the place... The tech lady asked us if we wanted to know the sex if she was able to tell and of course we said YES but the little one was too active... She had a hard time getting clear still pictures because the baby was moving so much... Watching it move around was a lot of fun it kept putting its right arm up to its head almost like it was scratching or fixing its hair and then the mouth kept making sucking movements... We were also able to hear the heart beat... Up to this point we have only been able to see it beat but hearing it was pretty cool 143 bpm... The tech kept saying what a cute baby over and over which Daniel and I thought was funny because to us although we think what we saw was amazing we weren't sure how she could see cute through that black and white picture.. Guess that's why she is the expert and I'm sure she is right it will be cute... She reported that everything looked good and that the baby was measuring right to date so we were very pleased although we were disappointed that we couldn't find out if it was a boy or girl we are definitely thankful that everything is looking good and healthy... Still waiting for the second trimester bliss that everyone has told me about to kick in though.. I still haven't been able to sleep through the night without getting up and going to the bathroom no joke a good 6 times a night and I have had a lot of sinus pressure and congestion which is no fun drug less... I'm told all the time this to shall pass so I'm still waiting as patient as I can... For now we have a check-up appointment scheduled for Feb. 17th and then at that time they will hopefully give us the date for our next ultra sound lets just hope by then little wiggle worm slows down some so that we can see what it is... Daniel and I are very anxious to know what it is we've got lots to do and we want to buy everything we see and are having to hold back which is no fun WE WANT TO SHOP!!