We are on our way to the finish line!! As usual we have been busy busy busy.. I have been feeling good just trying to stay cool in this wonderful HOT HUMID Florida weather I live in... We have now reached the point where we go to the doctor every 2 weeks which totally makes time fly!! Next week I have a Chiropractic appointment, a 4hr glucose tolerance test (Yes I failed the the 1hr test because I had ice cream cake and a glass of milk for dinner the night before!!), and my 32 week check up... Other than some minor aches and pains (hopefully the chiropractor can fix these) and some feet swelling (which the HOT weather doesn't help) I have been feeling pretty good... I have notice that occasionally some of the tiredness and nausea that was experienced in the 1st trimester has tried to sneak back up on me but I have been coping pretty well... As for Lucas he is very active although he hasn't let Daddy feel him move around very much when ever he tries lil man stops moving.. He is measuring on the smaller side so they are thinking he will be a tiny guy which is fine with us as long as he is healty.. He has a very strong heart beat and is doing good... Daniel and I are getting anxious and excited about the arrival of him with every day that passes!! We start birthing classes this coming Tuesday night and are looking fwd to that... Of course we are trying to use every spare minute we have to get things ready here on the home front which for those of you who know our lives we don't have many spare minutes available ;o) I was blessed to have my first baby shower with some of our family and close family friends this past Saturday May 30th (I can't even believe it is time for showers!!) It was such a lovely shower given to us by Daniel's Aunt Becky, Cousin Jessica, and our dear friends Courtenay and Vicky.. I am so thankful for all the blessings we have begun to receive for Lucas it is amazing how giving and generous people are and how much his life is already being sown into.. I am thankful for the lil guy that is continuing to grow in side of me.. As I'm typing Daniel is busily putting the second coat of baby blue on the nursery walls.. He has been so great!! He worked so hard on the bathroom it looks great and now is determined to get the nursery room finished!! I took some pics of the bathroom (It is my favorite thing ever!!) and of few of the bedding in the crib so I'm going to post them.. Hopefully we can get the nursery put back together after this second coat of paint goes on and I will take some pics and post them as well..