We went in yesterday December 29th for our last appointment with the fertility doctor when we arrived at 7am the office was a ghost town which is totally unusual for a Monday morning. I signed in and we were immediately whisked back for vitals and then off to the exam room. This was the first time that we had seen our actual doctor since our first round of AI he was out for our last round so he had lots of catching up to do. He asked all the questions that were asked at our last appointment by the other doctor and then he went to calculating... He came up with the due date of August 4th AAAHH a day later than what we were thinking but I'm still going with the 3rd :o) hey a girl can dream right!! Anyway he did the sonogram and there our little one was the doc commented how much the baby had grown and then zoomed in and boy he was right. Although little bit is still measuring 2.11cm which is still as tiny as a Lima bean we have grown out of the shape of the Lima bean we now have arms and legs you can see the spinal cord the eyes and ears and the tip of the nose is forming. The picture doesn't do the baby justice from what we could actually see in the office and yes of course we could still see the little heart beating strong. Daniel commented on how you couldn't see the heart bulging as much as we could the first time but then quickly remembered that there is a lot more baby for the heart to pump through so we probably won't be able to see the heart beat quite like we did that first time (the memories of that first sight of the heart beat still amazes us!) The doctor was pleased with our progress and felt as though it was safe to release us to a regular doctor. We have done research have talked to everyone and anyone that has had a baby to see what Doctor they have used and have even considered the birthing center here in town. But when it came down to choosing the right person we really felt like we should see who the fertility doctor would recommend considering all that we have been through we trust that he would us give the best recommendation of someone that would take as good care of us and our little one as he has. So we talked with Dr. Winslow about what we wanted in a doctor and he recommended highly recommended the Women's Physicians of Jacksonville group he told Daniel that he would send his own wife there if they were to ever have another baby. So we have our first appointment with Dr. Amy Wrennick on January 20th he reassured us that if for some reason we weren't happy at any time with this group that we can transfer over to someone else so to get started we are going to go with them and see what happens. Friends of ours from church recently had their baby at St. Lukes hospital and had nothing but good things to say about them. So last Saturday we went and took a tour and really liked what we saw. They have huge birthing suites that are fully equipped for every stage of the delivery process so you don't have to be transferred into different rooms. The suites are also equipped to take care of the baby after the delivery so that the baby never leaves the room. They focus on mother/baby care so you and your baby have the same nurse taking care of you and they also do not have a baby nursery so the baby stays with you 24/7. They were recently taking over by St. Vincents so they have been remodeling and the rooms were beautiful and the nursing staff that we came in contact with seem really nice and helpful and another pro is that they have a breastfeeding consultant at the hospital 7 days a week. So with all of that said we are onto the next phase of our journey meeting with the new doctors, picking hospitals, and just watching our little one grow and develop before our eyes. I can not finish this update without letting you all know how amazing my Daniel is... Since the moment we found out that our little one was on the way he has been over and beyond good to me. You name it he has done it cleaned, cooked, washed dishes, washed clothes, catered to me, and most of all he has been so good about praying for our little one constantly. I have been sooooo blessed with all that he has been doing for me to make sure that I am getting enough rest, not lifting things, eating properly, and reminding me to take that NASTY vitamin every night. He is truly a wonderful husband and I am extremely thankful for him and can't wait to see him holding our little one that he has waited and prayed for...